After a couple months of work we have finished our next (and one of our larger overall projects): Interface & Infrastructure. This update is now out to play and contains three large major elements, Cog buildings, GUI, and our Settings Revamp. Each part required a lot of work and sometimes interconnected hence these things being put into one large update and giving the game a much more polished feeling while playing.
The Settings Revamp
This is something that we have set out to do for a while, before the update we had a long list of options that were not labeled by category of what they did, many users even mistaking that the game did not have WASD support due to how hard it was to find. In this update we have introduced four stickerbook tabs to the Options page being game, audio, visual, and control. We aimed to give the user more control over relevant options, you can now control the volume of specific audio options, things like Music, Audio, SFX, Environment, etc. Some options we have moved out of the options page and into a more fitting “Inventory” page.
The Inventory Page
The inventory page features Badges, Name Tags, Fishing Rods, Fishing Lures, and Codes. The badge page no longer exists and has been merged into the Inventory page, and other options like Name Tags, Fishing Rods, and Fishing Lines (formerly named Fishing Lures), Codes have been merged into the Inventory page as well, firstly to make more room for the options page but clarity in where to find things since these various options do not make sense to be found in the Options page.
GUI Overhaul
What started as a revamp to make the Friends List GUI more proper, as the search functionality formerly was separate from the friends list GUI evolved into a massive overhaul of the games primary GUI. One of the primary goals of this GUI was to bring up the GUI made before 2003 to the standards of the other GUI in the game made much later around 2010+. All of the main GUI, such as Speedchat icons, friends list, cattlelog (now with various states depending on if you have a delivery, new cattlelog, or both), and stickerbook have been revamped, excluding laff meters for a date. Not only the Primary GUI has been redone but also some other miscellaneous GUI such as the Dialog Boxes when you get a cattlelog notification or complete a battle, and the stickerbook page buttons. This project is not complete, and has more work to be done (That chat log GUI has to be redone at some point!)
Cog Buildings
As part of our goal to raise the bar of quality for the game we have decided to revamp the Cog buildings, as some of the previous decisions made for cog buildings were questionable (Cog boss heads, Cog body parts on the ground, and other random props placed around the area).
The first floor is the traditional boiler room containing 3D boiler props, messy wires, and a hum in the background. The second floor you walk in and you can hear the sounds of hundreds of Cogs in the background working, those in the cubicles now reflecting real Cogs rather than generic Cogs. On the third floor you encounter the boss Cog, with a new introduction and winning cutscenes alongside the revamped Boss room.
We are working hard to push out high quality updates to the community, feel free to stop by our discord and stay-up-toon-date on our progress, or give us feedback. We need all the help we can get to continue making the game great, so if you would like you can join the team here.
Hotfix 1
- Fixed Avoid-The-Skulls not updating if you solved another puzzle of Avoid-The-Skulls
- Fixed an issue with the game incorrectly telling you a species was new if you had caught the same new species within the same bucket
- Fixed movement controls not flipping Shtickerbook pages if they were remapped
Interface & Infrastructure Update
Cog Buildings
- Cog Building interiors have been overhauled
- Added new music to Cog buildings
- Field offices banners have been updated to reflect changes to their new Cog appearances
- Made elevators higher quality
- Overhauled the settings system
- Your settings WILL be reset this update
- Revamped the settings page
- Added Street Map Opacity, Shticker Book Scale, Vertical Sync, GUI Animations, Aspect Ratio, Max FPS, Screenshot Format, Anisotropic Filtering options
- Removed TTO 4:3 Aspect Ratio option
- Overhauled the sound volume settings - There is now a master slider that controls the entire game and a few different SFX category sliders to fine tune sound volumes
- All volume settings now use a proper logarithmic scale internally which better represents how humans perceive sound (e.g. 50% volume is now not too loud, not too quiet, as opposed to still being very loud)
- Removed Toon Chat Sounds toggle (Replaced by the 'Dialog' volume slider)
- Removed Custom Controls option (It is essentially always enabled now)
- Many more actions are now rebindable (e.g. screenshot, switch camera views)
- Added two control presets:
- Modern (WASD, Space, E to interact, etc.)
- Legacy (Arrow Keys, Ctrl, Delete, etc.)
- Added Borderless Window option
- Revamped most of the primary GUI in the game
- Field Offices now have a unique nametag & arrow color
- Improved the look of the Shticker Book tab buttons
- Added a new Shticker Book animation
- Made the blue background of the Shticker Book transparent so you can still see your surroundings
- Updated Clarabelle's Cattlelog front-page to reflect new GUI
- The cattlelog icon changes depending on if you have a cattlelog, delivery, or both.
- Updated Shift-F1 debug info
- Removed debug F4 OOBE Camera
- Improved various camera intervals to be a bit smoother
- Moved Code Redemption, Badges, Nametag Style, Fishing Rod, and Fishing Lines choices to a new "Inventory" page
- Shortened GUI animations in the Top Toons building
- Custom FOV now applies to all zones, including Cog HQs
- Interface fonts are now much higher quality
- Improved camera reset animation when finishing interacting with NPCs
- Improved the Chat Bubble animations
- Butterflies now properly respect the Smooth Animations option
- Added back the progress bar to the loading screen
- You can now rotate your Toon by dragging while in the Closet and Trunk in the estate
- Updated elements of various Shticker Book pages
- Added new Field Office posters
- Removed the animation when switching pages on the Statistics Page
- Implemented new cog reject friend request messages
- Damage HP text pop-ups now properly fade out
- FPS meter now takes an average of a much shorter time span leading to a more accurate measure - it also updates faster
- All controls now update immediately upon keybind changes
- Toon rotation in accessory trunks is no longer tied to the framerate
- Kart rotation in the Kart Page & Kart Shop GUI is no longer tied to the framerate
- The airplane in the estate is no longer tied to the framerate
- Fixed FOV snap with Page Up & Page Down keys
- Fixed the camera appearing to snap towards the end of the animation when switching camera positions
- Taking screenshots should no longer temporarily freeze the game
- Clarabelle now respects the Smooth Animations option in the Cattlelog
- Fixed Top Toons Rhetorhic crash
- Fixed diving game crash
- Fixed error where Pencil Pusher wouldn't use an animation on the Fountain Pen attack
- Removed some unused textures
- Fixed district reset involving hardcore Toons going sad
- Fixed crash when entering the DA office's second floor
- Removed non-functional game tables
- Fixed errors with Techbot accuracy
- Fixed an error where CEO health meter would clip